09 October 2011

The Sunday Shout Out

I am truly blessed to work with some incredibly talented tradespeople, artisans and craftsmen. They make my job so much easier! On one of my current projects, I decided to replace a tiled wall by the pool with a custom glass mosaic and my muralist didn't disappoint! When she sent me the photos of her progress, I just HAD to give her a shout out! Here is her original watercolor sketch:

This 72"x 36"wall is at one end of the pool, was originally tiled with plain 6"x 6" travertine tiles and had two lionheads that spouted water into the pool itself. I wanted to add some color in this area, so my muralist and I came up with the above design.

Last week she sent me a photo of her progress and I was totally blown away!
Her talent is so amazing, I had to share.


I can't WAIT until its installed...I'll be sure to post more photos of the mosaic
 so you can see how it turned out. :)

1 comment:

  1. joanne,
    I love your blog and I look forward to reading it. The mosaic work is fabulous.
