04 November 2011

project sneek peek: south bridge lane

Finally, the mosaic is being installed today...YAY!!
Each piece of glass was hand cut, then a sticky plastic sheet was applied to
different sections of the front of the mosaic.
The wall was mudded, then each section was applied to the wall like a puzzle.
Grout will be applied today which will really help the leaves have more definition and the foliage to pop.  
One detail the photo can't show you is that some of the leaves of the middle hibiscus are iridescent. As you walk around the pool, they change color...very cool!!

My muralist did a beautiful job, didn't she?? Such talent.
It's a good thing that bench is right under the wall!
I'm not sure how she could have installed the mosaic without it...
floating on a raft, maybe? ;)

Here is the mosaic, grouted and complete.

'Till next time...